Wednesday 21 March 2012

she plays the piano while i blog about music. she doesn't know it

we all like music.
it's fun to dance to
it's catchy
it's relatable
we like the artist/band
it's enjoyable

i wasn't huge into pop but there were some songs i enjoyed. i was mostly into rock bands/songs. i listened to these songs/bands all before i became a Christian.

Now i struggle a little bit with letting go of my bands because they aren't good for my ear.

i'm one of the leaders for a girls group that i help out with. we just started a session about media and what God says about it and what the world says.

i've been pretty good so far. i mean, i do struggle but its not a huge struggle. the big struggle that is fading away now is the music i used to go out dancing to and singing along to. i used to go out dancing at a bar with a few gals and it was all pop, country, and a bunch of music to dance dirty to. yup, i was one of the ladies out there showing off my moves.

i don't get as tempted that much to want to go out dancing to show off so that's great!

what i am struggling with though are the lyrics, how a singer sings a certain line or two, and the music that goes with it.

I have to say first is that since I've been a Christian and listening to Christian songs i feel so much better about it and with myself. i'm left wanting more of God and wanting to praise Him.

going through hit songs i find myself struggling with keeping my mind guarded and not let myself sing along or let my emotions out of control. you see, i'm a lyric and music kind a gal. if its relatable i enjoy it even more. if the music can stir my emotions then its even better. but not so much.

i just listened to "we found love" by rihanna and i must admit that i like the music and how she sings her lyrics. what i don't like are the lyrics. i also watched the music video and all around it left me feeling empty and wanting to look for "love in a hopeless place" i'm a pretty broken person to begin with and i used to try to find my self-worth in music, dancing(showing off w/guys), guys, and how i dressed. part of my old self was starting to come out in thought and emotion. i had to fight that off because that's not what i really want. in the video rihanna and her bf live together, go out partying, stealing, smoking together, get into a fight, have sex, joke around, etc and part of me wanted that(minus the stealing, smoking, and fights). part of me felt lost and longing for a relationship and have sex. it's terrible that part of me gets affected like that after a song. am i the only one or doesn't anyone else take notice of their feelings and thoughts after listening to a song? it's easy for me to be influenced by music. it doesn't even have to be about a relationship, it can be about partying and having fun. "Last Friday Night" by katy perry was one of them as well. only a slight part of me wanted to go out dancing but as i watched the music video i noticed that i felt slightly disgusted about it all. a guy looking at the hot girl and chasing after her and katy in bed with some guy. no thank you.

i'm glad to say that i notice how i'm left feeling at the end of songs because it makes me not want to listen to music with terrible messages saying its ok to sleep around, sleep with your bf, partying is ok, drinking underage is ok, and everything else that God didn't intend to happen.

i wonder if people sometimes do things based off the feelings and type of high they get from listening to a song or if it may be just me. i also wonder if they even realize all the bad messages going into their minds. they say it's ok, they say to do what you want and so i will.

it's too bad that serious, precious things are taken so lightly.
i just pray that i'll be able to guard my mind better and that as we go through this series on media the girls will become convicted and let go of these bad messages. its hard when almost everyone is saying "go for it, who cares" and you're young and around other peers who agree and you're trying to not think like that...