Friday 9 March 2012

bonding time with laptops in hand

lately i've been wanting to evangelize in different ways. recently i was on craigslist to find those poor souls who thought one night stands or internet dating would satisfy them. now i know that craigslist can have some creepers on them but worry not i don't use an email address that is linked with any site like fb or myspace. nor do i give out a bunch of information about myself. unless it was spiritual then i'd give my testimony or something. i couldn't help but notice that many of the ads on craigslist said something about them tired of being single or lonely. i mean i know why people aren't happy being alone/single but they don't know why. i guess i just thought it was kind of weird that so many people go online to look for their fulfillment whether it is for a relationship or one night stand. i have been able to e-mail back and forth to a few people and got them to think but i'm not sure if i made an impact or not. seeing so many ads just kind of brings me down. not in the way that it emphasizes in my life that i'm also single but brings me down that so many are looking online for people. ...oh, i don't mean to sound like finding someone online is terrible or anything but just how they post their ads is a little desperate sounding. there was a guy who says "im tired of being alone, looking to share my time with someone beautifull. Sports minded, music minded, easy going non smoker. Lets start our life together" now would that make you want to date him? maybe if you were desperate as well. he just has this short list at the end as if that's enough. as if someone will respond and then its happily ever after. i think that's a sad thought. it wouldn't be happily ever after, i mean by Gods will it would be but from the ads i've seen most of these people aren't saved.
and that's what they need!
have you met anyone who's been saved say that they're lonely or sound desperate for marriage? maybe at some point in their life, earlier, later, or during a hard time in their life. i was desperate for marriage about a month ago so it happens but God helped me to see that HE IS ENOUGH. so any child of God in the end wouldn't be desperate for marriage because God's love is enough. It's perfect and He knows us more than any husband/wife could. now if only i or anyone else could reach out to them and get them to think about this stuff then maybe, maybe they wouldn't be desperate or as desperate. or maybe i'm still naive when it comes to certain things in life.