Thursday 16 February 2012

blue vines growing on a wall

"I get on my knees and worship"

nope, sadly this comment isn't about/to God. This comment was for a 'sexy' photo
of a woman. It's so sad that looks are so important. People getting plastic surgery done, angling their cameras just right for a self-photo, wearing clothes that show a little too much, and posing in a way that leads mind to places they shouldn't go.

maybe if people were more secure in their own lives with themselves then maybe hollywood wouldn't have much of an effect on people. But of course we want to be able to live up to their standards on what beauty is even if we never become a model, singer, or actress because then in our own lives other people will take notice whether they really know you or not.

i got a random request once from this guy i didn't know and i just accepted him because i don't really talk to half of the people on fb anyway so i just thought whatever. then almost right as i accepted him he started commenting on my photos. no buddy, i don't want comments from you. one comment on a photo he put 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder" right. if that was ok and true then this world would be so full of plastic surgery more than what it is now because one person may see you as beautiful but someone else might not think so. so then you must do something to change that right? pssh what a terrible quote to be said.

i wonder how insecure they really are. how unloved and ugly they feel about themselves. but then again, take a 'sexy' photo of yourself, get a few comments, and boom! i'm not ugly, i just got a comment saying that i'm sexy or whatever. well, friends, those are the wrong kinds of comments you want, unless if you're married but save it for your personal time to express thoughts like that. but really, if people would only get over their do-what-makes-me-happy set of mind and they really knew God, then, THEN they could start to heal and see how God views them.

i'm there right now. I'm still a little insecure but God made me in His image and He created me just the way He wanted me to be. What could be better than that? Getting plastic surgery or trying to enhance yourself everyday is like insulting God and saying "You didn't do this right' or 'the way i look isn't good enough"

Shouldn't God be good enough? They should know this. Of course it comes down to people denying Him and letting themselves be influenced with all that Satan has done in the world without them truly knowing it.

South Korea has the most plastic surgeries performed than any other country. Out there everyone wants a shot at stardom. Same here. but this also brings me to other thoughts about being famous. maybe i'll write on that later. maybe.

either way we just need to reach out more and more. Especially to the younger generation since they're easily influenced. (0.0) ack! what do you think it says to the kids of a mother who's gotten plastic surgery done? Oh those poor children.

i also think about the comment at the beginning and just imagine their reaction when we finally do die and see God. this guy comments about worshipping her when all along it should be God he should be worshipping. I feel fearful for him. I couldn't imagine even just joking about worshipping anything or anyone else. That's a scary thought for me. If only everyone knew...