Saturday 12 June 2010

There isn't a flaw in the world if you think like water. maybe

Do flaws really exsist do you think? Maybe logically if you're doing a math test. But in life; is there? I mean what one person may consider a flaw could be another persons opinion of it being flawless. Like our body structure and the way we look. I could consider my 'butt' chin a flaw but if I really learn to love myself all the way through inside and out, I could be flawless. But please, introduce me to someone who considers themself flawless. Someone who accepts and loves the way they look. I'd enjoy a conversation with that person. Are you flawless?

Or what about the way we think, speak, and our own lifestyle? Saying God when you're mad couldn't be wrong if you're athiest right? Other people may think so but it's your lifestyle. It's fine the way it is. Or people who have road rage or get mad easily. That could be a flaw in their personality but if you accept that you get mad easily, is that still a flaw or is that just you?

So 'flaws' are just opinions isn't it? I mean if we all accepted and learned to love ourselves maybe we'd all be perfect. But who thinks that would ever happen. It's an endless road in discovering yourself.

But outside of personal opinion, flaws exsist. Laws. ...laws. What if someone is very accepting to the laws we have, they just go with the flow and overlook them or they just live simple lives that it doesn't affect them the way other people let it affect them. Then laws are flawless right? to them?

Maybe I'm overthinking but then again....maybe I'm finding something new about myself. I could go deeper and deeper into this. Personal flaws. Generally in others and even more so into myself and discovering the 'whys' of me. Like my own flaw of road rage. I could go on and tell you why I let myself get road rage and you'd know more about me. ...Now I'm just rambling on self-discovery. I think I'd need a face to face conversation with you to go on about that. That could be a flaw too. Seemingly to always talk about myself and self-discovery. or is it??